In LLP "SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev ”summed up the results of the 2020 harvest campaign

Irmulatov Bakhyt Rakhimbaevich acting the head of the Center congratulated everyone on the upcoming Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers, noting at the same time, the rich more than half-century history of the scientific center of grain farming, well-known in the world scientific community, is directly related to the main holiday of all Kazakhstani farmers.
It is thanks to scientific developments, the use of promising elite varieties of grain crops, the introduction of innovative agrotechnical techniques, permanent crops, scientific support of production experiments, the annual verified scientific recommendations of scientists on the organized conducting of spring and autumn field work, our agricultural producers receive high yields and solve food security issues.
This year the harvest took place in difficult weather conditions, so the work of scientists, the agronomists, laboratory staff, machine operators, drivers and grain flow workers is especially valuable.
A number of heads of departments and laboratories, researchers, laboratory assistants, machine operators with gratitude letters and financial bonuses were awarded by the management and the local trade union for good results at the end of an important agricultural campaign. The event also summed up the results of the competition announced before the start of harvesting in the nominations "The best combine operator", "The best driver" and "The best worker of grain flow", all the winners were awarded with certificates and money certificates with a total value of 1,300,000 tenge.
The winners who took the first places were awarded with Satin Ribbons of the winners. All the participants of the event were presented with a large loaf baked from the flour of the new harvest by our laboratory assistants of the Analytical Center.
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