The cooperation of scientists with farmers in Akmola


Close cooperation of scientists of the A.Barayev SPCGF with Akmola agrarians on the introduction of regionalized and promising varieties of grain crops.

LLP "Askop" is a large agricultural formation in the Akmola region, which is engaged in the cultivation of crop and livestock products. In its economic activities, the management of the agricultural holding adheres to scientifically grounded recommendations for the cultivation of crop products. In particular, in the fields of the LLP, a soil-protective system of agriculture was introduced for the cultivation of grain crops, developed by scientists of the A.I.Baraev SPCGF.

Maintaining the status of an elite seed farm, LLP "Askop" closely cooperates with the Center for testing and reproduction of regionalized and promising varieties of grain crops. In accordance with the agreement with "SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev" LLP, 15 varieties of spring wheat were tested this year, including 9 varieties of the Institute's selection. At present, the harvest has been recorded and plant samples have been taken for structural analysis.

Also, production experiments were laid to study the effectiveness of mineral and organomineral fertilizers on spring wheat crops, introduced together with seeds and in the form of feeding. A preliminary assessment of the results obtained revealed an increase in yield and grain quality of spring wheat, respectively, by 1.5-4 c / ha and 1-2% with the use of fertilizers.скачать dle 12.0
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