Scientists of SPCGF estimated the yield of wheat selection of the Center in the farms of Akmola region

Scientists of A.I. Barayev SPCGF A.T.Babkenov the head of the Department for selection of agricultural crops and A.A.Kiyas the senior of the crop rotation group visited a number of farms in the Akmola region that introduce spring wheat varieties from the selection of A.I. Barayev Scientific-production center for grain farming in their fields.
During the visit at LLP "Dostyk-06" the manager O.Sarayeva and A.T. Babkenov compiled and signed the introduction act on the "Shortandinskaya 2012" spring soft wheat variety. This variety generated a yield of 13 kg / ha in this farm, the gluten content was 26%. A.T. Babkenov and A.A.Kiyas estimated the loss of grain yield in “Dostyk-06” LLP. During the harvesting works, grain showering was observed due to storm wind with gusts up to 20 m/s. Possible losses from this factor can be 10-20%.
At “Farmer 2002” LLP was sown the variety of spring soft wheat “Shortandinskaya 95 improved”. This variety, in this farm, formed a yield on steam fields of 17.0 kg / ha, the gluten content was 26%, the drop number was more than 200 seconds, that is, the grain meets the requirements of class 3 according to the commercial classification. According to the regional agricultural administration, the “Shortandinskaya 95 improved” variety was sown in the Akmola region in 2019 on an area of 724,500 ha.скачать dle 12.0
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