Prominent scientists SPCGF received author's fees

In the Scientific and Production Center of grain farming named after A.I. Barayev worked for many years prominent scientists who created new promising varieties of crops. Currently, these varieties occupy multi-million acreage in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Today, scientists have received well-deserved awards for their work. Author's awards for achievements in the field of selection were presented by deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Shek Galina Oraztaevna - author of soft spring wheat varieties Akmola 2, Astana 2, Astana;

Obovita Raisa Nikitichna - the author of varieties of soft spring wheat Shortandinskaya 95 improved, hard spring wheat Damsin Amber, oat Bitik;

Ermilov Alexander Sergeevich - the author of the varieties of soft spring wheat Shortandinskaya 95 improved, Celina 50;

Kravchenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich - the author of varieties of spring barley Astana 2000, Virgin 2005, oats Bitik;

SPCGF named after A.I.Baraeva appreciate you for your high level of professionalism and great contribution to the development and prosperity of our country!
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