Acceptance of field experiments took place at the A.I. Barayev SPCGF

Today at the A.I. Barayev SPCGF according to the order of the Chairman of the Board N.A. Serekpayev took place the proccess of acceptance of field scientific experiments in order to summarize the results of the work of scientific departments for the first half of this year as part of the implementation of the budget program 267 "Increasing the availability of knowledge and scientific research" for 2021 under the programs for the development of a farming system for the cultivation of agricultural crops using elements of cultivation technology, differentiated nutrition, plant protection products and equipment for profitable production on the basis of a comparative study of various cultivation technologies for the regions of Kazakhstan and also the development and scientific substantiation of technical and technological parameters for the adaptation of space sensing technologies and precision farming to the actual production tasks of the agro-industrial complex entities and the formation of the necessary reference base for this data. As part of the implementation of these targeted scientific programs, studies were planned to create highly productive varieties and hybrids of cereals, legumes, oilseeds and cereals based on the achievements of biotechnology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan, technologies and technical means of irrigation when entering new irrigated lands and also the development of organic farming technologies based on the principles of resource conservation, digitalization and the use of biological products to restore the natural fertility of chernozem soils. They also pay special attention to the study and provision of storage, replenishment, reproduction and effective use of genetic resources of agricultural plants to ensure the breeding process.