Strengthening the role of science

A working group with S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University visited A.Barayev SPCGF. The working group consisting of Aituganov Kairat Kaparovich, Tokbergenov Ismail Tasanbiyevich, Deputy Chairmen of the Board, Serekpayev Nurlan Amangeldinovich, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs, Aitkhozhin Serik Kanatovich, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Stybaev Gani Zhasymbekovich, the desn agrotechnical faculty Sbdrakhmanov Sarsenbai Kadyrovich, the veterinary medicine and animal husbandry technology and Yermekov Farabi Kerembaevich, dean of the faculty of land management, architecture and design with the aim of more detailed familiarization with the scientific, administrative and economic activities of the Center.
As part of the work program, they visited a public museum, a scientific library, research laboratories, a breeding and biotechnical complex, a grain mill and a number of social facilities and got acquainted with the infrastructure that can be used for educational purposes. The colleagues were also shown the Online Precision Landfill Management Center and field experiments.
The head of the working group, Aituganov Kairat Kaparovich, at a meeting with employees of the Center, noted that the upcoming transformation of the research university should give a powerful impetus to the strengthening of the role of science for a more dynamic development of the country's agro-industrial complex. And in this perspective, a special place will be taken by the A.Barayev SPCGF with its scientific base with invariably significant academic principles, scientific developments and field hospitals that have received international recognition.
At the end of the meeting, Abdullayev Kenzhe Kozhakhmetovich, the head of the Center assured that the employees with due understanding reacted to the fact that the indicated transformations are the imperative of the time and quite naturally deserve to become an important scientific, technological, personnel and information-marketing trend in the advancement of Kazakhstani agricultural science in the global community.
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