Legumes and oilseeds breeding laboratory

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Within the framework of the Scientific and technical program “Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of leguminous crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan” BR10765000 employees of the SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev in the leguminous and oilseed crops breeding laboratory have completed the harvesting of leguminous crops (lentils and peas).

The study was conducted according to generally accepted methodological guidelines. The samples underwent a complete breeding process. The study included 1313 samples of peas, 120 samples of chickpeas and 364 lentils in 2, 3, 4, 6, 8-fold repetition.

Promising varieties of Status, KASIB and Oris peas with an average yield of 9.89 c/ha and small-seeded Krapinka lentils, large-seeded Sakura with an average yield of 13.0 c/ha were harvested.

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