Resource-saving technologies of winter cereals, cereals and legumes forage crops cultivation in irrigated agriculture of Northern Kazakhstan

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“Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP holds a seminar on the basis of “Breeding farm “Zerenda” LLP for agricultural producers.

The seminar program includes technologies of winter grain crops cultivation, effective production of high-quality feed in the conditions of the dry-steppe zone of the Akmola region, including irrigation. Obtaining 2-3 harvests per year with the rational selection of forage crops and their grass mixtures. Modern sprinkler irrigation systems, practical experience of use in the Northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Demonstration of winter crops.

Location:“Breeding farm “Zerenda” LLP, Kazhymukan auly, Tselinograd district, Akmola region

Date:October 4, 2022, at 10 o’clock

Applications for participation: Tatiana Gontarenko,

Phone: +7 705 102 3209,Whats App


Seminar’s program

900 – 930Registration of participants, Coffee break
930 – 940Greeting of the seminar participantsShaimerdenov Nurzhan Kairzhanovich, “Breeding farm “Zerenda” LLP
940 – 1040Features of agricultural crops irrigation with modern sprinkler equipment in the Northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Phd in Agricultural science, Associate Professor
1040 – 1100Technology of grazing, sowing and winter intermediate annual fodder crops cultivation on irrigated lands of Northern KazakhstanMukhanov Nurbolat Kaiyrboldyevich, Head of the Laboratory of Agricultural technology of field crops and crop diversification
1100 – 1200Technological and information support of sprinkler irrigation systems
The practical part.
Visit of the fields of “BF Zerenda” LLP.
Demonstration of experimental fields with crops of winter cereals and legumes, perennial herbs (without irrigation and with irrigation)
Demonstration of sprinkler irrigation systems
Mukhanov Nurbolat Kaiyrboldyevich, Head of the Laboratory of Agricultural technology of field crops and crop diversification
1400– 1500Lunch
1500-1700Summing up the results of the seminar, questionnaires. Presentation of certificates
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