Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aytoshevich

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Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aytoshevich (07/31/1961 -12/09/2017) was born in the village of Talshyk, North Kazakhstan Region.
Zheksenbay Aytoshevich made a huge contribution to the development of all domestic agricultural science. His multi-faceted activity was based on high professionalism. A characteristic feature of his fruitful activity is his exceptional efficiency and business approach to solving any problems. He paid much attention to new scientific developments in precision farming technologies, technologies for cultivating crops based on organic farming, and the introduction of new breeding varieties. He proposed new technologies for the cultivation of cereals, legumes and oilseeds in Northern Kazakhstan, increased the assortment of crops studied in the center, began breeding with non-traditional crops for the region, etc. With the direct participation and under the leadership of Zheksenbai Kaskarbaev, the scientific foundations for diversifying crop production and developed conservation agriculture in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan. Minimal and zero technologies for cultivating cereals, legumes and oilseeds in Northern Kazakhstan are proposed, which ensure restoration and preservation of soil fertility, expansion of export for crop production. The scientific basis for the optimization of black earth soil treatment systems in Northern Kazakhstan has been developed.
For his services to the state, for his significant contribution to agricultural science, the socio-economic and cultural development of the country, the strengthening of friendship and cooperation between peoples, Zh. Kaskarbayev was awarded the Order of “Karmet”, medals “Eren Enbegi Ushin”, “50th anniversary of Tselina” , commemorative medal "100 years of academician A.I. Barayev", two letters of gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.скачать dle 12.0
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