Barayevites approached the Republic Day in a good mood

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On the eve of a significant event, the celebration of the Republic Day, a festive event was organized in the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev by good tradition. In his welcoming speech, Chairman of the Board of Directors Kanafin Bilgibai noted the role and significance of this important fundamental date of our statehood and the fact that this national holiday will rightfully become a symbol of unity, peace and harmony in our common home. He also stressed that the large friendly staff of the Center approached this landmark event with a special mood: the harvesting campaign has been successfully completed, work is underway on scientific projects, and new innovative projects are being developed and actively participate in the public life of the country.

During the solemn celebration, the workers of science and industry were awarded medals, insignia, Certificates of Honor and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NASEC and KazATU named after Saken Seifullin. This is recognition of their high professionalism, achievements in the fulfillment of those great tasks that the agricultural industry sets.

Young talents from the Center for Creative Initiatives of KazATU named after S.Seifullin once again pleased the Barayevites with their creativity.

On the same day, our employees also took an active part in a thematic folk art exhibition organized by the akimat of the Damsinsky rural district in front of the building of the children's music school in the Nauchny settlement. Our employees Gladkikh Lyubov, Dorogova Yulia, Skoblikova Polina, Proskura Olga and Kartanovich Elena presented their creative works in the form of colorful paintings made of beads, wood, amazing knitted products and homemade pastries.

Akim of Damsinsky rural district Abdrakhmanova Gulnara expressed great gratitude to the staff of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev for active participation in the public life of the settlement, district and region and for loyalty to the traditions of peace and kindness.

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