A bet on the close interaction of science and agribusiness

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On November 25, 2022, a scientific and practical conference was held in Aktobe as part of the celebration of the Agricultural Worker Day, which was attended by representatives of the scientific community and agribusiness. At the agrarian forum, the leadership of the region in the person of Akim of the Aktobe region Tugzhanov E.L. as speakers were invited Chairman of the Board of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP Kanafin B.K., General Director of “Agrofirma Rodina” LLP Akmola region Sauer I.A., director of “Zenchenko&Co.” FT North Kazakhstan region Zenchenko G.G. and a number of heads of agricultural formations of the Aktobe region. During the plenary part of the conference, special emphasis was placed on the development of the agricultural sector in the practice of farms, ways to increase production in agriculture, close cooperation between science and business and diversification of the structure of acreage.

Belgibai Kamalovich, in his speech, outlined the current challenges and limiting factors in crop production due to weather and climatic conditions and the use of modern agricultural technologies in farms and peasant farms. Also, using the example of a comparative analysis of the average annual indicators of the amount of atmospheric precipitation, changes in the structure of acreage for the coming years were proposed, indicating specific factors, taking into account the peculiarities of crop cultivation in the conditions of this region. With the help of the aridity map of the growing season of 2021 and 2022, the average values of agrometeorological indicators and wheat yield over the past 10 years in the regions of the republic were presented. From a scientific point of view, Kanafin B.K. paid special attention to the following priorities: adaptation to climate change, agrobiodiversity, snow accumulation, preservation of soil fertility, resource-saving agriculture, and diversification in crop production, the use of mineral fertilizers and digitalization. He also brought to the attention of agricultural producers of the Aktobe region about the scientific component of the activities of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev to create new promising varieties, introduce modern agricultural technologies and intensify work on the dissemination of knowledge through the Farmer application on the official website of the Center baraev.kz.

The second part of the conference was held in the “B2B” format (business to business). The active attention of the participants was attracted by the presentation materials of suppliers of agricultural equipment, firms for the sale of agricultural machinery and plant protection products. The event ended with the celebration of advanced agricultural workers.

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