The Scientific Council of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev was held
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On December 6, a meeting of the Scientific Council of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev was held. Important issues related to various aspects of the scientific and industrial sphere of the Center’s activities were put on the agenda. The reports of the heads of scientific departments on the implementation of the research program under contracts with economic entities in 2022 were heard. The head of the Department of perennial herbs breeding Filippova N.I. informed about the transfer of a new variety of wheat to the SVT. The work plan of the “Roadmap for 2022” of the production departments of the Center was presented by the head of the Infrastructure development Department Sadvakasova Zh.S.
There was a collegial discussion of the issues raised and the adoption of draft decisions on them aimed at the qualitative implementation of research programs under contracts with economic entities in 2022 and the effective operation of the collective in the coming period.