Phytosanitary section as the most important component of crop cultivation technology

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    The use of opportunities to preserve it from losses caused by pests, diseases, and weeds is of great importance for the growth of crop yields. Underestimating the role of protective measures often leads to unpredictable losses, which can be at least 1/3 of the yeld.

   The solution of the issues of improving the soil, seeds, crops is associated with the purposeful and consistent implementation of integrated programs, including agrotechnical, seed breeding, chemical and other methods of plant protection. This provision has been convincingly proved by the results of numerous scientific studies. Winter is a period that allows you to develop a phytosanitary management program for the planned yield. It is important to know that plant protection helps to preserve crop yields, which is set by the level of agricultural techniques, the capabilities of the variety, etc.At the same time, the higher yield is the greater the contribution of protective measures.

In the last decade, there has been a steady increase in the use of chemical plant protection products in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Statistics show that from 2008 to 2018, the use of pesticides tripled per 1 ha of agricultural land.At the same time, the role of state support is noticeable.

    Faced in practice with the consequences that arise from underestimating the role of phytosanitary measures, our producers are trying to actively use chemicals in the future. However, they do not always get good results. Effective control of harmful species in agrocenoses is a rather complex problem and depends on many factors.

Plant protection requires knowledge of diverse information, and making a decision on the acquisition and use of pesticides requires careful study and justification. It is necessary to know well the peculiarities of the biology of harmful species, their vulnerable stages for protective equipment. Choose the right timing of treatments. Many drugs are often similar in spectrum of action, properties, and dosages. It is necessary to choose a plant protection product on the basis of reliable information about the properties and spectrum of action, and not according to advertising information.They should be selected so that the spectrum of action coincides as much as possible with the species composition of both target objects and other harmful species. Take into account the phytotoxic properties of the active substance (for example: in some protectants, the retardant effect, etc.).

    The use of pesticides in reduced consumption rates should not be allowed. They cause the rapid development of resistance of harmful species to pesticides. Repeated use of the same active substance also contributes to the growth of resistance, especially in phytophages and phytopathogens.

The effectiveness of protective measures is also related to the technical component, which should ensure maximum delivery of drops of the working solution to the treated object.It is necessary to pay attention to water preparation, selection of adjuvants and adhere to the flow rate at the level of 100 l/ha and above.

   Plant protection is moving to a level where it should have a long-term focus. Operational protective measures are more successful where they are used in a system with other methods.

    Senior Researcher of the Plant Protection Laboratory of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, PhD of Agricultural Sciences A.K. Tuleyeva

       Acting Head of the Plant Protection Laboratory of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, PhD A.A.Utelbayev

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