Scientists invite farmers on April 15 to an online seminar on spring field work.

Dear Colleagues!
Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayevinvites you to a video conference.
"Forecast of the development of diseases and pests, measures to combat weeds, pests and diseases in the pre-sowing period."
April 15, 2021 from 16: 00-17: 00
In a programme:
Seed preparation for sowing. Pest and disease control measures in the pre-sowing period. Kochorov Abdumamat Suleimanovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Plant Protection Laboratory.
Forecast of the development of diseases and pests of agricultural crops. Nelis Tatiana Borisovna, Junior Researcher, Plant Protection Laboratory.
Crop protection system: weed control measures in the pre-sowing period. Andrey Anatolyevich Cherny, Senior Researcher, Plant Protection Laboratory.
Contact person for registration:
Tatiana Gontarenko,
tel .: +7 705 102 3209, WhatsApp
Join Zoom conference
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