Shashkov Vladimir Petrovich

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Shashkov Vladimir Petrovich is a veteran of agricultural science of Kazakhstan, a well-known scientist in the field of plant protection, doctor of agricultural sciences. V. Shashkov was born on July 27, 1943 in the village of Nizhnyaya Pavlovka, Orenburg district of Orenburg region.

Vladimir Petrovich Shashkov, after graduating from the Orenburg Agricultural Institute (in 1965), began his production activities as a seed agronomist at the Dzerzhinskiy state farm of Aktobe region, and in 1967-1971 years already served as chief agronomist, and then chairman of the Forestry collective farm in the Orenburg region.

The scientific activity of Vladimir Petrovich began in 1971 with the admission to study at the graduate school of All-Union Scientific research institute for grain farming, in 1977 he defended his PhD thesis.

 During this period of his activity, Vladimir Petrovich, under the leadership of the founders of soil-protective farming A.I. Barayev, A.A. Zaitseva, E.F. Gossen participated in the development of measures to combat weed vegetation within the framework of the formation of soil protection system of agriculture.

The availability of production experience and experience of scientific work served as determining factors in the assignment of Vladimir Petrovich Shashkov in 1981-1985 to assist in the development and introduction of a soil protection system of farming into the agricultural production of the Mongolian People 's Republic.

Since 1988, he served as head of the plant protection laboratory, and since 2003 he was appointed deputy general director for scientific work of the Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I. Barayev.

The generalized result of the scientific activity of Vladimir Petrovich Shashkov was the dissertation of the Doctor of agricultural sciences defended in 2005 year.

Under the leadership of V.P. Shashkov and his direct participation, were developed systems of integrated measures to control weeds in various crop rotations with intensive crop cultivation technologies, determined the effectiveness of aviation and ground use of granular and liquid forms of anti-allied herbicides in crops of grain crops.

As a doctor of agricultural sciences, Vladimir Petrovich was a member of the dissertation council at the "Research Institute for Plant Protection." He successfully combined his scientific and pedagogical activity with public and organizational work, actively spoke at district and regional agro-meetings. And in 2003 V.P. Shashkov was elected to the district Maslikhat of the Shortandy district.

He has published more than a hundred scientific papers in various agricultural journals, including 2 monographs - “Agriculture in extreme conditions” (Mongolia, Ulan Bator) and “Integrated weed control in the North of Kazakhstan” (Kazakhstan, Shortandy).

The long-term fruitful scientific, international and social activities of Vladimir Petrovich Shashkov were rightly marked by the medal "For Valiant Labor to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of V.I. Lenin" and various other awards, diplomas and honorary letters. 
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