Current issues on scientific research have been clarified

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     It is already the third year since the scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev have been working on 2 large scientific and technological projects on intensive and precision farming. In the previous 2 years, from 2021 to 2022, the scientists of the Center, together with the co-executors, carried out a lot of work on the implementation of the measures outlined in the technical specifications. For 2 years, 182 articles and recommendations have been published, 44 training seminars and Field Days have been held. The annual reports summarizing the research results received high marks from experts.

      Today, on February 10, a regular meeting of the agriculture department was held with the participation of heads and employees of laboratories and those responsible for the implementation of the plan for thematic events. Plans were clarified for the development of patents and methodological recommendations, publications of scientific articles, articles of an informational and image nature and TV appearances, training of scientific personnel and other topical issues. The meeting of the agriculture department was productive; the planned plans for the final year of research were accepted for execution.

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