Scientists of the SPC GF took part in the scientific and practical seminar “Window to the world of bio-organic agriculture”

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    The staff of the microbiology laboratory of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP took part in the scientific and practical seminar “Window to the world of bioorganic agriculture” dedicated to the memory of one of the famous agronomists of the Republic Podzyuban Alexander Vasilyevich and the twentieth anniversary of the registration of the microbiological drug Extrasol in Kazakhstan, which took place on February 3, 2023 in Kostanay (Republic of Kazakhstan).

    The seminar was attended by scientists of the Russian Federation - Chebotar Vladimir Kuzmich – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Technology of Microbial Preparations of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (St. Petersburg), Alexander Mikhailovich Kuchubekov - Deputy General Director of “Bisolbi-Inter” LLC (St. Petersburg), scientists and leading specialists of specialized research institutes Kazakhstan: KazRI of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U.U. Uspanov, KazRIn of Plant Protection and Quarantine named after Zh. Zhiembayeva, KazRI of Agriculture and Plant Growing, “Semey Ormany” RSE GLPR, as well as highly qualified specialists of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of industry unions and associations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   The purpose of the seminar was to consider the possibility of an effective transition from traditional to environmentally oriented agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   Within the framework of the seminar, the issues of the use of agronomically useful microorganisms and their impact on the soil microbiome and agricultural crops in the crop production of the Republic of Kazakhstan were considered and discussed. The issues of the use of bioproducts Extrasol and BisolbiSan in organic farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan, their effective impact on germination and biometric indicators of agricultural crops are highlighted. The forecast of possible development of pests and diseases in the growing season of 2023 in the conditions of Kostanay region was also presented.

    Much attention was paid to the preservation of soil fertility, the production of food products with a high degree of safety for human health, environmental protection, economical consumption of raw materials, discussion of promising areas of scientific research, presentation of relevant projects, information exchange and cooperation of participants.

   During the seminar, agronomists of Kostanay region shared their experience and results of using Extrasol group biologics in the production of agricultural crops in their fields, quite succinctly argued their positive effect on the yield and quality of grain and vegetable crops, as well as the protective properties of biologics from biotic and abiotic factors, and as a consequence, the need to introduce biological technologies into the agro-industrial the complex of Kazakhstan.

   The seminar was held in an open format, where a broad exchange of views on this issue took place between scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan and specialists from the agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the use of biological products, both in traditional and organic farming.

From the left to the right: Tkachenko Olga Vasilyevna – Master’s student, Junior researcher at the Microbiology Laboratory of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev”LLP, Nina Arsentyevna Chayukova - General Director of “NPO Bisolbi LLP. KZ”, the official representative in Kazakhstan of the leading biotechnological company of Russia “Bisolbi – Inter” LLC, Chebotar Vladimir Kuzmich – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Technology of microbial products of FGBNU VNIISKHM St. Petersburg, Rukavitsina Irina Viktorovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Microbiology Laboratory of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP.

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