Mazhilismen visited the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev

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  Today, a meeting of deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the Committee on Agrarian Issues Khodzhanazarov Aidarbek Assanovich and Mambetov Yerkebulan Nurmagambetovich with scientists of the Center and the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin took place at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev.

  The topic of discussion was the problematic issues of science and agribusiness. The visit to the Grain Farming Center began with the fields, where more than a picture of the height of the sowing campaign appeared, which looks somewhat different for agricultural scientists than the usual panorama in the fields of farmers. This is the peculiarity of the scientific research carried out by the scientists of the Center on their experimental plots with specialized seeders in compliance with the already used and developed new recommendations for farmers of the target regions. The format of the meeting initially assumed direct communication of people’s deputies with scientists in the course of their work. That’s why this meeting with scientists who directly influence the improvement of food security issues was important to the deputies defending the interests of the country’s agrarians. Through direct contact, to see the use of scientific developments in practice, to learn new ideas and proposals for the successful solution of the primary tasks of the agro-industrial complex. When visiting the brigade camp of the Center, problematic issues of technical support were not ignored. After all, not only compliance with agricultural technologies depends on the availability of the necessary serviceable equipment, but also the effectiveness of the application of recommendations developed by scientists of the Center.

  It is generally recognized that the SPC GF has its own scientific school, created by A.I. Barayev, V.P. Kuzmin, M.K. Suleimenov, J.A. Kaskarbayev and many other well–known scientists, which today is followed by the current generation of scientists-followers. Taking into account innovative technologies, agricultural scientists provide information support to farmers online at webinars and on the official website through the FARMER section, where expert scientists give full consultations. The Center for the Dissemination of Knowledge, functioning in the SPC GF, conducts multi-format events with the participation of farmers of the regions, demonstrating the advantages of using scientific developments.  Therefore, in the welcoming speech of the Chairman of the Board — Rector of the KARU named after S.Seifullin, K.M. Tireuov, during the meeting, the urgency of wider application of the scientific potential of scientists and increasing the role and place of the Center in the agrarian community was emphasized. In the plans for the coming years, the SPC GF will be developed as an advanced Competence Center in the field of agriculture and crop production in Northern Kazakhstan by combining the personnel, infrastructure resources of the research university and its subsidiaries in integration with the world’s leading research centers and conducting research on international grants. In recent years, it has also become a center for the integration of science and education, annually more than 250 students undergo scientific internship and work experience internship at the Center of Grain Farming.These directions of the upcoming activities of all interested parties in close collaboration were supplemented in the speeches of the Chairman of the Board of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev LLP, Savin T.V., member of the Board — Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of KARU named after S. Seifullin, Tokbergenov I.T.

  Mazhilismen Khodzhanazarov A. A. and Mambetov Ye.N. made a number of significant recommendations to improve the interaction between science and business and also at the end of the meeting assured the participants that all suggestions and comments made by scientists during informal business communication will be analyzed and raised before the Government.

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