SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev and KARU named after S.Seifullin: integration of science and education

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  This year, more than 250 students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin are undergoing scientific internship and practical training on the basis of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev, which largely determines the acceleration of the process of interaction, cooperation of the scientific organization and the university. First of all, the collaborative processes relate to applied research, the development and implementation of research projects and programs, educational and internships in laboratories and field conditions, the involvement of leading scientists of the Center for conducting training sessions, guiding students’ practice and diploma works, joint training of graduate students, undergraduates and doctoral students, lecturing at a branch university.

  It is worth to remark that the site of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev is convenient in terms of logistics and testing of new ideas and practices. So in June 2023, following the results of the internships of students of the Agronomy Faculty, one of its divisions, namely, employees of the Department of Biology, Plant Protection and Quarantine: a working commission consisting of Suleimenova Z.Sh., Baybusenova K.S., Essenbekova G.T., which for the first time introduced the reception of reports of student trainees on the passage of the internship based on a scientific organization, i.e. SPC GF. What is the peculiarity of this innovation — to encourage students to maximize the use of internship for the qualitative consolidation of theoretical knowledge, skills, acquisition and development of practical skills and competencies in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities, as well as the presentation of a set of practical knowledge obtained under the guidance of agricultural scientists of the Center.

  Prior to the start of the internship, students were assigned to the following specialized laboratories of the SPC GF: plant protection laboratory, laboratory of perennial herb breeding, laboratory of oilseed and leguminous crops breeding, plant immunity laboratory, laboratory of agricultural technology of field crops and crop diversification. Thus, the students had the opportunity to watch not only phytosanitary measures, but also the processing of breeding crops of various agricultural crops in order to protect them from diseases, weeds and pests, taking into account the timing and depth of crops, the use of resource–saving technologies, i.e. they were able to realize during the direct process of SFW that in agronomy all processes are links one chain and all this should work for the final result — getting a decent harvest. Therefore, the heads of the practice Kochorov A.S., Babkenova S.A., Ten E.A., Filippova N.I. and others noted that the students in the specialty plant protection and quarantine this year were well prepared theoretically and showed keen interest in all types of work in practice. This kind of innovation to activate students’ interest in professional practice is very applicable everywhere.

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