Scientists – breeders of SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev on intermediate researches within the framework of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023

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  2023 is the final year for the implementation of the project within the framework of project–target financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of the integrated scientific and technological projects «Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan» is attended by breeders of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev.

  The press service talked to one of the performers of this program, to the head of the wheat breeding department Babkenov Adylkhan Temirkhanovich to inform briefly about how the possibilities of agricultural science can affect the improvement of the current state of grain production.

  As you know, Kazakhstan is an agrarian country where grain production plays an important role for domestic consumption and export. The main grain production of wheat and barley is concentrated in the northern regions of the country. The breeding of grain crops (wheat, barley, etc.) is carried out by classical methods. But the current state of biotechnology, genomics, molecular genetics, IT technologies and bioinformatics allows us to accelerate and improve the breeding process. Therefore, I would like to note that this STP is of an integrated nature and is aimed at creating competitive varieties of grain crops (wheat, barley, oats, rice, etc.) in accordance with the country’s strategic objectives to improve food security, ensure livestock and processing industries, and export orientation. Therefore, I can confidently say that today it is realistic to conduct integrated interdisciplinary scientific research of agronomists, breeders, phytopathologists, biochemists, geneticists with the involvement of modern methods and approaches, dissemination and implementation of results, increasing the social and practical significance of the results of agricultural science. In this case, the main organization implementing such a large project, the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin accumulated all the possibilities of agricultural science by concentrating the entire scientific potential of research institutes, schools and specialized universities to solve the primary task — increasing the role and importance of breeding and primary seed production in the republic.

 — Briefly describe what specific objectives are facing the breeders of the Center for the implementation of this major project.

  — This is firstly the creation of a new source material for highly productive varieties of wheat, barley and oats, with the involvement of sources of resistance to environmental stress factors for sustainable grain production. Secondly, it is the implementation of a comprehensive (technological, immunological, biochemical) assessment of lines resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors in breeding nurseries, and thirdly, the development of varietal technology for cultivating new wheat and barley varieties, and as breeders we are interested in organizing primary seed production of grain varieties. All these objectives are of paramount importance and their concrete implementation would greatly affect the improvement of the state of breeding and seed production.

   — And the last question, what real results do you have today?

  — Within the framework of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan» we have obtained concrete results.

  A new source material has been created with a complex of economically valuable traits — 120 combinations of crosses. At all stages of the breeding process, 10250 samples were studied. For spring soft wheat in the nursery of competitive variety testing, 12 lines reliably exceeded the yield standards; for spring durum wheat, 9 lines; for barley, 4 lines; for oats, 3 lines. An immunological evaluation of 1305 samples was carried out. 2 lines showed high resistance to stem rust; 13 numbers were allocated for resistance to the causative agent of brown rust; according to the group resistance to leaf and stem rust, 2 lines of soft wheat were identified. 3 lines of soft wheat showed high immunity to septoria. According to the resistance to brown rust, 1 line was identified among the durum wheat samples, 1 line was identified for resistance to stem rust, and 2 lines were identified for septoria. 1 sample was characterized by high resistance to hard smut of barley. A technological assessment was carried out — 140 wheat samples. 33 lines have been selected, combining good commercial, bakery and pasta qualities. Biochemical evaluation of 140 samples was carried out. There are 9 lines of soft wheat, 4 lines of durum wheat in terms of protein content and carotenoid pigments, 11 lines of barley, 6 lines of oats. The influence of the timing and seeding rates on the yield and quality of grain for 1 variety of spring wheat and 1 variety of barley has been studied. Original grain seeds were produced in the amount of 198.1 tons. A new variety of spring hulless barley has been created. A patent application has been filed. In 2022, varieties of grain crops of «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP breeding were sown on an area of 3841.6 thousand hectares. 6 articles were published, including 2 articles in journals recommended by COXON in 2022. We took part in 3 scientific and practical conferences and 5 Field Days.

— Thank you for the interview!

Figure 1 – Reproduction of rust spores in a greenhouse

Figure 2 – Measuring the color of bread crumb of competitive variety testing lines

Figure 3 – Hybridization nurseries in real field conditions

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