Scientists-breeders of the Grain Farming Center named after A.I. Barayev have started harvesting in greenhouse conditions

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 Employees of the leguminous and oilseed breeding laboratory have started harvesting leguminous crops (pisumsativum, lensculinaris, cicerarietinum) in the greenhouse complex under the state program “Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of leguminous crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan” BR10765000

  As our experience shows, it is possible and necessary to grow and carry out measures for crossing the breeding material of leguminous crops in a greenhouse complex. Primarily, due to the greenhouse, the task of reducing the cycle of the breeding process by 2 times is solved, while the percentage of successful crosses, in the conditions of the greenhouse complex, is: peas – 80%, lentils 10-12%, chickpeas 2-5%. The low percentage of tying in lentils and chickpeas in artificially created conditions is due to the physiological characteristics of these crops. It is worth noting that in the field, the percentage of binding of the created material is slightly more than 15% for lentils and 10% for chickpeas.

  The presented leguminous crops are the most important link of the agrocenoses of Northern Kazakhstan, which has no analogues in collecting protein per unit area. The creation of a new environmentally plastic, highly productive material, as well as improving its adaptation to the harsh climatic conditions of the Akmola region, is the starting point when choosing the optimal variety for cultivation in farms.

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