Developers and scientists are working to promote the issues of breeding and seed production of agricultural crops
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The Scientific and Production Center named after A.I. Barayev was visited by members of the working group working on the development of a seed tracking system, consisting of Nurkiyanov T.M., Adviser to the Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irgibayev M.S., Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture, Kaskarayeva Sh.B., Head of the Scientific Support Department, Sadykov S.T., Chairman of the Board of «Transfer and commercialization center of agricultural technologies» LLP, Sh.B. Amanturov — Deputy of «ATSEP» LLP and representatives of other interested services. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the movement of seeds on the market, starting from the history of varieties to the sale to the final consumer, and also during the discussion to hear the opinion of breeders, their proposals on working in this system within the framework of the developed Comprehensive Plan for the development of breeding and seed production of agricultural crops of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2027. During the exchange of opinions, breeders made suggestions that when ordering this system, the process of seed movement will be visible. And in turn, all this would make it possible to streamline issues for breeding institutions with the collection of remuneration for the use of breeding achievements, including royalties. Scientists supported the development of the necessary algorithm for the interaction of market entities. In conclusion, it was noted that the joint work of scientists with developers will continue in terms of making adjustments to technical specifications to create an electronic database of seed traceability.