Suleimenov Mehlis Kasymovich
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Suleimenov Mehlis Kasymovich was born on 1 March, 1939, in Karaganda. He is world-famous scientist-agrarian, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, academician of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, first laureate of the Presidential prize of peace and harmony of Kazakhstan.
He has developed and introduced into the field of North Kazakhstan theoretical bases of pre-planting soil treatment, optimal feeding area of spring wheat, the basis of intensive technology of grain crops cultivation. On the basis of the analysis of many years of research on crop rotations M.K. Suleimenov put forward a new direction in the theory and practice of field crop rotations. First of all, the possibility of farming without the plowed field has been proved. Suleimenov M.K. developed a new direction in farming science and created a school of scientists of Kazakhstan, who successfully work for a quarter of a century to improve the saving fruit-changing system of farming. This farming system allows to solve the main task of the farming system to raise soil fertility in order to obtain stable high production of cereals, legumes, oilseeds and fodder crops. M.K. Suleimenov is a leader in the development of resource-saving farming in the modern direction.
M.K. Suleimenov is the only agricultural scientist in the CIS who has been elected to the governing bodies of many international scientific forums: Member of the Standing Committee of the International Congress of Crop Growers (1992-1996), Member of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Wheat (1996), Member of the OECD Expert Group (1995-1998), Member of the Scientific Board of the International Conference on the Future of Drylands (2006), Member of the Bureau of the International Soil Research organization (2006-2012).
Academician M.K. Suleimenov has prepared 13 candidates of science from young scientists of Kazakhstan, Russia, South Africa, he is the author of 12 books and monographs, has more than 200 scientific works, in recent years he has published several major works abroad at the invitation of American scientists. M.K. Suleimenov is recognized popularizer of science.
M.K. Suleimenov is a major public figure in the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was twice elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan, was a member of the Central Committee of the Communistic Party of Kazakhstan, a member of the board of the All-Union Society "Knowledge." He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Sign of Honor and Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Parasat, 3 medals of the Soviet Union and the “Astana” Medal. In 1992, M. K. Suleimenov became the first recipient of the Presidential Prize of Peace and Spiritual Harmony of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The activity of M. K. Suleimenov in strengthening friendship of peoples and international cooperation is widely known.