Agricultural Worker's Day

Dear friends, workers of agricultural sector!
I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - Agricultural Worker’s Day!
Agriculture is one of the key sectors of the economy, the work of which directly affects the quality of life of our citizens. Thanks to your tireless and vital work for all of us, today the domestic agricultural sector is steadily developing. Of course, we will certainly work further to build up our potential for the benefit of Kazakhstan.
I wish you, those who have devoted your life to your native land, productive work and sincere joy from the fruits of your work. Let your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, let droughts and showers pass your land, and the harvest exceeds your boldest expectations. Health, happiness and prosperity for your families!
Kenzhe Abdullayev,Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician,General Director of LLP “SPCGF named after A.I.Barayev”
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