SPCGF scientists received patents for breeding achievements on herbs, for a useful model and for inventions

The work of scientists of LLP "Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I. Barayev" has borne fruit.
In 2019, SPCGF scientists received patents for breeding achievements on herbs, for a useful model and for inventions. Patents are the intellectual property of LLP "SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev", the result of scientific activity of employees. The patent is issued for a breeding achievement that has novelty, distinction, uniformity and stability. The use of the results of scientific activity is the implementation of the scientific and production cycle of the development and introduction of new varieties or new technologies.
Thus, the Center received a patent for breeding achievements according to herbs: a sandy sainfoin "Coral", awnless brome grass "Fermerskiy", a wheat grass gray "Breeze", melilot of Volga “Ak Tan”, Sudan grass “Nika” and also patents on grain, bean and oil-bearing crops - oats spring “Duman”, edible peas "Oris" and spring colza “Osiris”; Patents for the useful model - "Method of cultivation of spring wheat with application of nitrogen fertilizer, "Method of cultivation of oil flax with application of nitrogen fertilizer”, patents for inventions -" Method of cultivation of oil flax in fruit-changing crop rotation", “Method of cultivation of spring oats in fruit-changing crop rotation".
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