The staff of SPCGF pass scientific internship


Scientists of the Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev undergo a scientific internship in Novosibirsk city of the Russian Federation on the basis of the scientific organization “Siberian federal scientific center of agrobiotechnologies of the Russian academy of sciences (SFSCA RAS).

Scientific internships are held in the areas of "Breeding”,"Farming”, "Agro-chemistry", “Economics”, "Plant protection" and "Gene pool".
Internship on the farming is carried out by researchers: Sasykov Ardak Erkenovich and Aueskhanov Duren Aueskhanuly on the basis of SibАTI, where was held meeting with the director of the institute - Alt Victor Valentinovich. The classes are conducted by Semendyaeva Nina Viatchaslavovna - chief scientific researcher of the laboratory of rational farming, honored scientist of the Russian Federation on the topic "Reclamation and agricultural use of solonets of Western Siberia and North Kazakhstan".

Scientific internship on agrochemicals is carried out by the researcher Mamykin Eugeniy Vladimirovich, in the direction of plant protection - Chernyi Andrei Anatolyevich, Davydova Vera Nicolayevna, Haritonova Alyona Sergeiyevna, Nelis Tatiyana Borisovna, Keller Sabina Nikolayevna.
According to the plan of scientific internship in the direction of farming, agro-chemistry, plant protection, the classes were held by Danilova Albina Afanasiyevna, Doctor of biological sciences, Chief scientific researcher of the Laboratory of soil fertility on the topic "Ecotoxicological assessment of agricultural technologies".

Internship on breeding was carried out by scientists: Oshergina Irina Petrovna, Ten Eugeniy Alekseyevich, Zhylkybayev Ruslan Sagynayevich, Zhigula Tatiyana Yuriyevna on the basis of SibSRIPB. Kazakhstani scientists met with Director of SibSRIPB Likhenko Ivan Eugeniyevich, Doctor of agricultural sciences and Deputy director for science Artemova Galina Vasiliyevna. Galina Vasiliyevna held classes on grain crop breeding. Classes on selection of spring soft wheat were held by Doctor of agricultural sciences Likhenko I.E.

Internship on economics was carried out by employees: Bekeshev Baurzhan Zhaugashevich and Manat Berdiyar Zhuriskhanuly on the basis of SibSRI of agriculture economy. At the meeting with the Director of Pershukevich Petr Mikhailovich and the heads of divisions of SibSRI of Agriculture economics, the employees of the SPCGF named after A.IBarayev discussed in detail the goals and plan of the internship. During the internship there was a meeting with Kashevarov Nikolai Ivanovich, academician of the Russian academy of sciences, member of the Presidium of the Russian academy of sciences, deputy chairman of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences.
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