The features of protection the crops from weeds in the spring - field period


Timely weed control increases the efficiency of the productive use of soil moisture and atmospheric precipitation moisture.

The choice of weed control methods depends on the prevailing weather conditions and soil conditions in spring. When using mechanical tillage it is necessary to use implements with paw working bodies. Disc working bodies are excluded due to desiccation and spraying of the topsoil. With the mass appearance of weeds, the choice of control methods depends on the timeliness of their implementation. With a delay in the appearance of weeds, intermediate mechanical tillage before sowing is effective.
In fields where zero crop cultivation technology is practiced, chemical treatment with continuous action herbicides is carried out before sowing. The economic efficiency of chemical pre-sowing treatment is enhanced by the use of precision farming elements - autopilot systems and weedseeker sensors.

During the growing season of crops, it is recommended to use tank mixtures of herbicides in order to suppress a wide range of perennial and annual dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds. The presence of 2-4 perennial and 15-20 annual weed plants per 1 m2 is considered as the economic threshold of harmfulness at which the costs of using herbicides are paid off. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the need for periodic change of herbicides to avoid the manifestation of resistance in weeds.

A mixed type of clogging is found in the fields, therefore it is  difficult to select necessary medicine, since a herbicide that effectively acts on one group of weeds does not have a significant effect on the other.

There are combined 2- or 3-component preparations that combine the properties of herbicides of various groups, which expand the spectrum of their action. Nevertheless, there are no drugs that effectively suppress the entire complex of both perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds in crops of grain crops.

The full text of the recommendations on the website:
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