Commercialization. Science and business in one team

The last decades have been marked by a significant process of international integration in the economic sphere.
World practice shows that the most effective means of promoting research and development are mutually beneficial commercial relations between all participants in the transformation of the result of scientific activity into a commodity. This method is called commercialization. In it, absolutely all participants in the process, from a scientist to investors, are economically interested in the rapid achievement of success from the use of new developments.
What is commercialization in the modern sense? Commercialization is building a business based on the results of scientific and technical research, and in which the authors of the developments themselves are most often involved. The essence of the process is building a business that will form stable financial ties. It is often believed that commercialization is the process of finding and attracting investment to continue research and development.
The commercialization process requires an obligatory feedback component. You can get an economic result from scientific research only if it increases someone's competitiveness. At the same time, it is necessary to convince the end buyer of the advisability of such a choice, and thereby increase not only your own profit, but also the seller's. This is a mutually beneficial relationship of all participants involved in the creation of a market product from intellectual property items for profit. In a number of developed countries, commercialization is the foundation of competitiveness in its global understanding. These states are making every effort to develop knowledge and innovation.
In Kazakhstan, this process, its norms and rules have been legally formalized through the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities", adopted in October 2015. As a result, in “A.I.Barayev Scientific -Production Center for Grain Farming” LLP (further Center), which is one of the leading scientific organizations of the republic in the field of agricultural science, an office for the commercialization of technologies was created.
Today, as a result of 60 years of scientific research, the Center has over 80 patents for breeding achievements and technologies, it has the status of an originator of varieties and an elite seed farm. Original and elite seeds of cereals, legumes, cereal crops and perennial grasses are widely presented for sale. In addition, the certified divisions of the Center provide services for the analysis of crop products (biochemical and technological analysis of grain and flour), as well as agrochemical analysis of soil.
The Center's Technology Commercialization Office is ready to provide consulting services for the development of business plans, protection of intellectual property rights, etc., as well as consider proposals from the business community and potential investors interested in mutually beneficial relationships.
More information can be obtained on the website, by phone: 8 (71631) 2-34-47, 2-34-54, or by sending your request to the e-mail:
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