Scientific and practical Internet conference of young scientists


We invite you to  take part in the Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Young Scientists "THE CONTRIBUTION OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOIL-PROTECTED AGRICULTURE" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the soil scientist Alexandra Alekseyevna Zaitseva.

Date: October 8, 2020, beginning at 15:00.

Form of holding: video conference on the ZOOM platform.

The goal of the conference is to exchange scientific views and opinions on the development, implementation and transfer of innovative technologies, research results and proposals for solving urgent problems of agriculture and the interaction of science with agribusiness.

The terms of participation:

1. Materials of the report and application for participation should be sent to the address:, with the subject of the letter "Conference". The deadline for submitting materials to the conference ends on October 7, 2020. The conference materials will be published in the thematic collection on the website of the A.I.Barayev Scientific- Production Center for grain farming The collection will be assigned an ISBN.

2. Participants will be sent an electronic collection of conference materials and a participant certificate (in electronic form) to the email address specified in the application.

3. The working languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian and English.

Requirements for the design of materials:

The participant has the right to submit no more than two reports. The maximum number of authors of one report is three. If the supervisor is not a co-author, there is no need to indicate it in the text. The volume of materials - up to 3 pages, which are not numbered. Format - A4, typeface - MS Word. Font - Tіmes New Roman, size (size) - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph - 1.25 cm. All margins - 20 mm.

In the upper left corner - UDC (in large bold letters), one space apart in the upper right corner - the author's full name (in bold), scientific degree, academic title, position, name of the institution. Below - one space apart - the title of the report (in large bold letters in the center). Below - through one space - the text of the report (theses). At the end of the text - one space apart - Literature (in bold in the center). Literary sources no more than 3. A reference to a literary source in the text is given in square brackets according to state standard GOST. The use of illustrative materials, formulas is minimal. The format of tables and figures is book only. Name of the file with the report by the first surname of the author.

The conference organizers publish articles in the author's edition.

The address of the organizing committee: SPC of grain farming named after A.I. Barayev, st. Baraeva, 15, village. Nauchny, Shortandinsky district, Akmola region, E-mail:, Tel. +7 (71631) 23116; +7 705 1023209. Contact person: Gontarenko Tatiana Viktorovna.скачать dle 12.0
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