Her name is forever inscribed in the golden fund of luminaries of agricultural science in Kazakhstan

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On October 4, 2020 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Alexandra Alekseyevna Zaitseva, a famous agronomist-soil scientist, candidate of agricultural sciences, Lenin Prize Laureate.  After completing her studies at the Agricultural Academy of K. A. Timiryazev, she worked there as a laboratory assistant for 3 years.  In 1934-1937 she worked as a senior researcher at the All-Union Institute of Plant production in the city of Leningrad.  In 1937-1938 she worked as a senior researcher at the Yaroslavskiy State Breeding Station.

By coincidence, on July 7, 1938, she was arrested as a member of the family of a traitor to her homeland, she was sentenced to 3 years in ALZHIR.  During the years of her stay in the camp of political prisoners, Alexandra Alekseyevna got acquainted with prominent scientists and practitioners of agricultural science, she was released in 1941.  After her release, Zaitseva worked at the Karaganda agricultural experimental station, dealt with issues of agricultural technology, using the teachings of Academician V.R.  Williams.

Having moved to work at VNIIZH, Alexandra Alekseyevna from 1959 to 1980 was the head of the department of soil science.  From the memoirs of colleagues, Alexandra Alekseyevna was the brain and soul of the department of soil science.  She could transform any performed experimental material into a beautiful harmonious theory.  The increase in harvest was not yet a decisive argument for her.  To protect, not harm, keep the soil from water, wind, biological erosion was her goal, to save humus was her main task.

In the 1960s, A.A.Zaitseva carried out a great deal of work to protect the soils of Pavlodar and Kokchetav regions from wind erosion.  In 1972, A.A.Zaitseva, together with other scientists (A.I.Barayev, E.F. Gossen, G.G. Berestovsky, A.A.Plishkin and I.I.Khoroshilov) was awarded the Lenin Prize for a system of events  to protect soil from wind erosion in Northern Kazakhstan and in the steppe regions of Western Siberia.  This prize is the only one awarded in the field of agricultural science.

Alexandra Alekseyevna was considered a leader among the heads of departments of VNIIZH and enjoyed indisputable authority in the team, but also gave advice to students, graduate students and scientists from other scientific institutions.  One of the ideas was the creation of a virgin land reserve (200 hectares of a century-old virgin land for the memory of descendants), which was visited by foreign delegations.  Also of great importance to her was the coordination work and all the preparatory work on the coordination of programs, methods, the review of dissertations and the preparation of summary reports, which was carried out under the leadership of Zaitseva and with her personal participation.  A. Zaitseva took part in a number of scientific conferences and congresses in Leningrad, Voroshilovgrad, Armavir, Barnaul and Moscow.

A. Zaitseva's fundamental works on the development of theoretical foundations and a system of measures to protect soil from erosion, research on reclamation of salt licks and increase the fertility of erosion-hazardous lands is a major contribution to national science. Her work was awarded three medals "For Labor Valor", "For  development of virgin and fallow lands "," For valiant labor. "

A.A. Zaitseva published 10 monographs and more than 100 scientific works, having prepared 8 candidates of sciences.  Listed in the Book of Honor of the Institute for Grain Farming.

The activities of A.A. Zaitseva were significant, by right she was the ideologist of the soil protection system, under her leadership, great experience was accumulated and the main conclusion was formulated about the possibility of a more rational use of soil organic matter with prolonged use of flat-cut cultivation, many new terms were proposed by her.

Zaitseva Alexandra Alekseyevna gave a charge of light energy for work in science, which remained in our souls and does not go out until now, keeping a good bright memory of her!

As part of the celebration of this important anniversary date at the A.I. Barayev SPCGF in the coming days it is planned to hold an online conference with the participation of representatives of the agrarian scientific community of Germany, with whom the scientists of the Center maintain international cooperation.  During the event, it is planned to hear reports of scientists from both sides on the designated topic, and representatives of the Council of Young Scientists will present speeches on the life and work of A.A. Zaitseva, an outstanding soil scientist, whose name is forever inscribed in the golden fund of luminaries of agricultural science in Kazakhstan.скачать dle 12.0
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