Khorikov Oleg Sergeyevich

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Khorikov Oleg Sergeyevich, scientist-agronomist, candidate of agricultural sciences.
O.Khorikov was born on March 28, 1940 in the village of Romanovka of Fedorovskiy district in Saratov region. In 1965 he graduated from the Saratov Agricultural Institute. In the period from 1967 to 1970 he was a graduate student. In 1970, he worked as a junior researcher in the laboratory for spring soft wheat breeding of AUSRIGF, and since 1971 he was transferred to the post of senior researcher in the same laboratory. In 1971 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences “Intra-varietal variability of spring soft wheat in the dry steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan” (Leningrad). In 1972 he worked as the head of the laboratory of inter-plant variety testing. In 1975, he was appointed Deputy Director for science. O. Khorikov is the author of 5 zoned varieties of spring wheat: Tselinnaya Yubileinaya, Tselinnaya 24, Tselinnaya 3s, Akmola 2, Erythrospermum 35. He has published 23 publications.
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