Zykin Vladimir Alexandrovich

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Zykin Vladimir Alexandrovich was born in Birsk, Bashkir ASSR.After graduating from the 10th grade of the Krasnokamsk secondary school, he entered the Perm Agricultural Institute named after D.N. Pryanishnikov and graduated in 1959.Since June 1959, he began his career in the Department of Agriculture of the Pavlodarskiy experimental station (now the Pavlodarskiy Research Institute of Agriculture), first as a junior research assistant, and then acting Head of this department. During his work at the station, he was actively engaged in public work, was a secretary of the Komsomol organization, a member of the Komsomol district committee.Later,in 1962, for several months he was in charge of the Pavlodar rainfed variety section, and since December 1962, after entering the postgraduate study program of ARIP, - the Kazakh stronghold of ARIR.Scientific supervisor of V.A. Zykin was a well-known triticologist, Dr. of Agricultural sciences, Professor Moisei Markovich Yakubtsiner.The Hero of Socialist Labor, academician of the AUAASL and Kazakh Academy of Sciences V. Kuzmin, who at that time worked at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for grain farming, greatly helped and greatly influenced the formation of the scientist.In May 1967,he defended his thesis for degree of candidate of agricultural sciences on the theme: "World collection of spring wheat in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan" and in April 1968 he passed the competition for the position of senior researcher of the laboratory for selection of soft spring wheat of the Siberian agricultural research institute (Omsk).Since 1972, he already headed the laboratory and with great enthusiasm began to create varieties. A broad outlook and erudition allowed him to quickly prepare a doctoral dissertation on the theme "Breeding of soft spring wheat in the south of the West Siberian plain." In 1988, he became a doctor of agricultural sciences, and since 1991-a professor.In 1993, V.A. Zykin is elected a corresponding member of the Russian Agricultural Academy, and in 1997 - an academician, he is awarded the honorary title" "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation".#baraev #abdullaevскачать dle 12.0
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