Slobodin Vladimir Mikhailovich, scientist-agronomist, professor, doctor of economic sciences. V. Slobodin was born on November 9, 1904 in Kazan. In 1926, he graduated from the Central Asian State University (Tashkent city). In 1926-1927 he worked as a local agronomist at the Zaamin agricultural center in the Samarkand region. In 1928-1929 he studied at the Higher Agricultural Courses at the Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. In 1929-1933 he worked as a specialist in the department of agricultural education of the educational and methodical sector and as an assistant in the department of agricultural economics of the Agro-pedagogical institute at the Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev, as well as an agronomist and economist at the Agrarian Institute (Moscow city). In 1933-1935 he was acting as Associate Professor of Economics Department at Central Asian Higher School (Tashkent). In 1935-1941 he was a research specialist at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and a senior associate at the Soil and Agronomy Station named after V.R. Williams (Moscow). In 1941-1944 he worked as the head of the chemical service of the reserve regiment. In 1946 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, “Placement and Specialization of Agriculture of Chelyabinsk Region" (Moscow). In 1952 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences "History of farming systems from its emergence in the territory of the USSR to the October socialist revolution" (Moscow). In 1944-1962 he was the head of the Department of Economics of the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute, Deputy Director for Science of the Ural Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Sverdlovsk. In 1962-1968 he worked as head of the department of economics, deputy director for science of the All-Union scientific research institute for grain farming. His main area of research was the economic justification of the soil protection system of agriculture and the growth of grain production in North Kazakhstan. He was awarded orders and medals of the USSR. Vladimir Mikhailovich passed away on March 18,1980 (Moscow).
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