Azarov Nikolay Kupriyanovich

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Azarov Nikolay Kupriyanovich, a scientist in the field of agriculture, doctor of agricultural sciences.

N. Azarov was born on March 19, 1941 in the village Sorochino of Omsk region, Kalachinsky district.

In 1968 he entered the Omsk Agricultural Institute. In 1968 he was accepted on an expedition to the post of senior soil scientist.

Since 1971, he worked as a senior researcher in the department of agricultural soil science of All-Union scientific research institute for grain farming. In 1977 he was the head of the laboratory of erosion processes. In 1985 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences "Assessment of the potential danger of wind erosion in soils in a separate land use and large region", Alma-Ata. In 1996 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences "Scientific foundations of agrolandscape organization of land use and energy-saving methods of cultivation of grain crops in Northern Kazakhstan", Alma-Ata. Since 2000, he worked as the head of the center for agrolandscape farming and the head of the laboratory for agrolandscape technologies. In the period of 2002-2003, he headed the department of agrolandscape technologies.

The scientific interests of N. Azarov were in the field of agriculture, soil protection from erosion and agrolandscape farming.

N. Azarov has 71 published works and 5 copyright certificates for inventions.скачать dle 12.0
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