Sdobnikov Sergey Sergeyevich

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SDOBNIKOV Sergey Sergeyevich, scientist-agronomist, doctor of agricultural sciences (1966), professor (1968).Sdobnikov Sergey Sergeyevich, scientist-agronomist, doctor of agricultural sciences (1966), professor (1968).
S. Sdobnikov was born on September 27, 1919 in the village of Nerl of Kalyazinsky district, Kalinin region. He is participant of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). In 1951 he graduated from the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. In 1951-1954 he was a graduate student at the soil and agronomical station named after V.R. Williams (Moscow), in 1955-1957 he was senior researcher, head of the expedition in the Akmola region. In 1957-1965 he worked as the head of the department of agriculture, deputy director of AUSRI. He defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences "Agriculture issues in the Tselinnyi territory" (Omsk, 1965). In 1965-1970 he headed the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture (Omsk), since 1970 he worked as Deputy director for science of the Research Institute of the Central regions of the Nonсhernozem zone (Moscow Region). The main direction of scientific activity is the development of issues of virgin agriculture, cultivation and soil fertility. He is the author of 180 scientific papers. He was awarded orders and medals of the USSR.скачать dle 12.0
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