Zagorodnaya Lyudmila Ivanovna
Pages of history

Lyudmila Ivanovna was born on November 30, 1936 in the city of Voronezh. In 1959-1961 she worked as a junior researcher in the corn department of the All-Union scientific research institute for grain farming. In 1961-1963 she worked as a senior researcher in the corn department of the All-Union scientific research institute for grain farming. In 1963-1971 she was a senior researcher in the feed production department of the All-Union scientific research institute for grain farming. In 1971 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences "Agrobiological study of corn samples in the conditions of the Tselinograd region" (Almaty). In 1971-1972 she worked as a senior researcher at the Laboratory for perennial grass breeding AUSRIGF. And in 1972-1973 she became temporarily acting Head of the Laboratory for the selection of perennial legume herbs AUSRIGF. In 1992 she went on a well-deserved rest as achieve the age. She was awarded medals “For the development of virgin land and fallow lands”, “For valiant labor”, “In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin" and the order of the “Badge of Honor”. L. Zagorodnaya is the author of 30 articles in scientific journals and scientific works of the Institute (AUSRIGF).
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