The sowing campaign is entering in its responsible season


The sowing campaign has entered in its responsible season - this is the height of spring field work. This was preceded by moisture closure in the fields, pre-sowing plowing, differentiated fertilization on soil surfaces, breakdown of production experiments,on the current - dressing and ventilation of seed products.
Now, during this period, scientists carry out crops in breeding nurseries, taking into account all the features of breeding work. In turn, the field cultivation foreman, together with the engineering service, provide assistance to machine operators, provide timely technical maintenance, and distribute units and tractors across the fields directly during the production process in accordance with the requests of the agronomic service.
One of the important tasks is to provide everyone with seeds, fertilizers, fuels and lubricants and chemicals. Agronomists strictly control the timely execution of technological operations (sowing dates, seeding rates, seeding depth, varieties, types of crops in crop rotation fields, cleaning seeders to prevent weediness by types and varieties of field crops, especially one type). The implementation of all these types of work requires prompt and well-coordinated work of the entire team of the Center. Therefore, during the meeting with employees of structural divisions involved in spring field work, Chairman of the Management Board of SPCGF Serekpayev Nurlan Amangeldinovich maintains a constant constructive dialogue regarding mutual interest in the final results and responsibility for the work being done. After all, the successful achievements of SPCGF are the success of each employee.
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