Information on the verification of the field experiments


In the fields of A.I. Barayev SPCGF was carried out field tests as part of the work on the projects of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The commission headed by the Deputy General Director, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Irmulatov B.R. has visited the experimental hospitals of the departments of agriculture and breeding, as well as the landfill of precision farming.

As a result of the audit, the commission established the compliance of the field experiments with the working programs of the projects.
Despite the fact that there was practically no rain in May-June of this year, the wheat sowing in the experimental fields looks very good, because scientists observed all agro-technological requirements, especially in terms of sowing dates.

In July, the fungicidal and insecticidal treatments were completed, which will help to avoid crop losses. Scientists carry out planned work on current projects, as well as experiments in promising areas, laying a practical foundation for future projects: they conduct environmental tests of domestic and foreign varieties, the gene pool of grain crops is preserved and replenished, experiments are underway on organic and precision farming, experiments on the use of biological products.
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