V. Yurchenko took part in the inspection of fields in the North Kazakhstan region

The region has a high agronomy culture. Herbicidal, fungicidal and insecticidal treatments of fields are carried out everywhere.Yurchenko V.A. is scientific consultant of “SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev” took part in the inspection of fields in the North Kazakhstan region as part of the commission for monitoring the state of crops and species productivity of grain created by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The region has a high agronomy culture. Herbicidal, fungicidal and insecticidal treatments of fields are carried out everywhere. In the current year, early infection of wheat leaves with septoria was manifested, but thanks to preventive and therapeutic measures, the spread of septoria was held back.

Today, on average, more than 70% of grain crops are in good condition, the rest are in satisfactory condition.
The species productivity of grain crops, depending on predecessors and precipitation, ranges from 8 to 35 kg / ha in the Gabit Musrepov region; from 12 to 22 kg / ha in the Tayynshinsky district, from 7 to 22 kg / ha in the Timiryazevsky district and from 10 to 24 kg / ha in the Shal akyn district. Of its predecessors, the best are pure vapors, where yields are 1.5 times higher compared to stubble backgrounds.
In the Timiryazevsky district, more attention is paid by agricultural producers to the issue of varietal renewal of seed, the percentage of varietal renewal is 16.7.скачать dle 12.0
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