Measures on the conservation and effective use of soil moisture

A feature of the current agricultural year is a slight freezing of the soil, and in some cases the soil remained frost-free on fallow fields throughout the winter period. In this regard, when the snow melts slowly, good soil wetting is predicted. The absence of deep freezing of the soil profile indicates favorable conditions for the wintering of pests, and therefore, special attention should be paid to building a system of plant protection against diseases and pests, and especially seed treatment before sowing.
Taking into account autumn reserves, after snow melting on stubble predecessors, soil moisture content is expected to reach 100-130 mm.
In order to prevent unproductive loss of soil moisture due to physical evaporation and to increase the efficiency of the use of atmospheric precipitation of the early spring, it is necessary to carry out the recommended agrotechnical measures in a timely manner: closing moisture, leveling backgrounds with autumnal treatment. It must be remembered that the level of moisture in the soil affects the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers, determines the choice of sowing dates, the selection of crops and their placement in the fields of crop rotation.
Timely weed control increases the efficiency of the productive use of soil moisture and atmospheric precipitation moisture. To combat weeds, during the long pre-sowing season, intermediate cultivation is effective to a depth of 4-6 cm. There is no need to wait for the germination of weeds to combine leveling and intermediate tillage. This leads to the loss of soil moisture and the drying out of the surface soil layer.
Intermediate mechanical tillage, in addition to combating perennial and perennial weeds, is also a preventive measure against Hessian and Swedish flies, locust pods and caterpillars of a gray grain scoop. This operation helps warm the soil, enhances the current nitrification to provide plants with nitrate nitrogen. The use of tools with disk working bodies leads to the dispersion of the soil surface and the rapid drying of the surface soil layer.
The full text of the recommendations on the website:
721 -рет қаралды