Snow retention - the success of a big crop of bread

A.I.Baraeva "SPCGF” lay the foundation for the future harvest of crops by conducting an event-snow retention. In the center for these works there are two new tractors KA-744 and two old KA-700s. In the conditions of risky farming, the preservation and rational use of all precipitation are of particular importance. This problem is solved by improving the agrophysical properties of the soil, the full collection and preservation of moisture by snow retention.

Snow retention is an important event for the accumulation of moisture in the soil due to winter precipitation. When carrying out snow accumulation work in the fields, timing is very important. Cutting of snow rolls is carried out with the help of the snow trapping of the SVU-2,6; SVS-7 and others. The distance between the snow rolls is from 4 to 7 m. Snow retention is carried out in mild frosts in calm weather with a snow depth of at least 12-15 cm. Snow rolls should be located across the dominant wind direction in winter.

In extreme dry years with the help of snow plows, it is possible to increase the thickness of snow cover by 2,0-2,5 times, accumulate water in snow by 55.0-70.0 mm more than on the stubble without snow retention, providing an increase in the yield of spring wheat from 2, 0-3,5 to 5,0-7,0 c/ha.
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