Strategy and tactics of harvesting agricultural crops and autumn field work in 2021 in the Akmola region

News / Recomendation

File can be downloaded at following link:
fin-engl-recomendations.pdf [921,31 Kb] (cкачиваний: 18)
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The recommendations were prepared by: Serekpaev N. A., Stybaev G. Zh., Akshalov K. A., Skoblikov V. F., Nogaev A. A., Zabolotskikh V. V., Kiyas A. A., Filonov V. M., Kochorov A. S., Mukhanov N. K., Kobernitsky V. I., Ten E. A., Oshergina I. P., Utebaev M. U.

The recommendations consider the features of crop yield formation and the state of crops before harvesting in the conditions of 2021.
The terms and methods of harvesting cereals, legumes, cereals and oilseeds are recommended, depending on the maturation, height and density of the stem, and clogging.
Measures for autumn tillage, taking into account weather conditions, are proposed.
The recommendations are intended for farmers, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises of the Akmola region.
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