The employees of the SPCGF took part in advanced training courses


Employees of the A.I. Barayev Scientific-Production Center for Grain Farming Ilyina T.V., Bekeshev B.Zh., Almaganbetova A.M. took part in advanced training courses at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property" (RSAIP), at Moscow city on the topic: "Valuation of intellectual property". The training took place in an offline format, the training course consisted of 24 academic hours, including 18 hours of lecture material and 6 hours of practice from 8.12.2021 to 10.12.2021.  
Scientists listened to lectures on the following topics: Intellectual property objects as objects of valuation; methods of valuation of IA; reflection of the rights to READ in the IA - accounting and tax aspects; methods of valuation of IA (IP) calculation of the cost of the license. Lectures were given by Mamadzhanov Hamid Abidzhanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, certified ROO intellectual property appraiser, member of the ROO Council, member of the Presidium of the ROO Expert Council, Chairman of the ROO Qualification Commission, member of the NSOD Education Committee, Belova Elena Veniaminovna, Financial Director of AI Pi eM Group LLC.
At the end of the advanced training course, scientists were successfully tested and received a certificate of the established state standard on advanced training.
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