Patent activity
Патентная деятельность

lina Tatiana Valeriyevna
Patent specialist of “SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP
Office No.14, tel. +7 702 209 11 95
The main task of the patent activity is to ensure the protection of the intellectual property of the center.
The main functions of the patent specialist:
- ensuring the legal protection of intellectual property objects and the use of the results;
- advisory engagement in the preparation of applications, delivery of documentation for the registration and issuance of patents;
- creating a procedure for filing applications and obtaining security documents; Patent specialist of “SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP
Office No.14, tel. +7 702 209 11 95
The main task of the patent activity is to ensure the protection of the intellectual property of the center.
The main functions of the patent specialist:
- ensuring the legal protection of intellectual property objects and the use of the results;
- advisory engagement in the preparation of applications, delivery of documentation for the registration and issuance of patents;
- implementation of accounting and systematization of security documents;
- ensuring the protection of the RSTA (obtaining a security document and entering it into the state register) and taking measures for the confidentiality of information;
- promotion of the commercialization of intellectual property.
Over the past ten years, a huge scientific work has been carried out in the “Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev” LLP. Modern selection and its final result-the variety is a collective creative process that requires deep, versatile knowledge, complete dedication, and great patience. Each variety needs to be patented in order to be commercialized in the future. In agriculture, the development of new developments, methods and methods also contributes to the creation of new inventions and utility models that are patented.
Intellectual property today and tomorrow
Summing up the results of the 2021 patent activity of “Scientific and Production Center named after A. I. Barayev” LLP, I would like to note that a lot of work has been done in the field of ensuring legal protection and accounting of intellectual property, despite a difficult year associated with the epidemiological situation, our Center has received nine patents for inventions and 28 author’s certificates for patents.
During the year, the following work was carried out:
- a common Kazakhstan database of results of scientific or scientific and technical activities (RNTD database) has been formed, which includes 127 intellectual property objects with key indicators (technology description, production test results, advantage over analogues);
- A policy has been developed in the Intellectual Property Management of the Center;
-127 intellectual property objects were analyzed, where the main criteria were patent search on several databases Patent Inspiration, and Eapatis, market volume research by country, and the geography of patenting applications on the subject under study, conclusions and recommendations;
- a preliminary assessment of the cost of scientific activity objects by the cost method was carried out;
- information on 127 objects (technologies and varieties) was prepared and sent for the general catalog of intellectual property of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the main indicators are (description of the technology or variety, advantages, area of cultivation or application, form of cooperation);
- an application for a breeding achievement has been submitted to the National Institute of Intellectual Property within the framework of targeted financing.
Employees, patent specialist and specialists of the commercialization Department of the Center attended training seminars conducted by the “National Institute of Intellectual Property” RSE of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topics:
“Protection of intellectual property objects”;
“Legal protection of intellectual property”;
“Intellectual property and commercialization of scientific and technical developments in agriculture”, where they received the relevant certificate.
They also took advanced training courses at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property” (FSBEI HE RSAIP - RSAIP), Moscow on the topic: “Estimated value of intellectual property”. At the end of the advanced training course, they were successfully tested and received a certificate of the established state standard on advanced training.
The next year is also planned to be fruitful, an assessment of the value of intellectual property objects will be carried out using various methods and approaches.
Results of patent activity for 2021
Name of performed work
| Patents for breeding achievements
| Invention patents and innovation patents
| Utility model patents
| Total
Database of results of scientific or scientific-technical activities (R&D results base), Republic of Kazakhstan | 99 | 18 | 10 | 127 |
Intellectual property objects analysis | 99 | 18 | 10 | 127 |
Intellectual property objects value assessment | 99 | 18 | 10 | 127 |
Intellectual property objects catalogue of the Republic of Kazakhstan | 99 | 18 | 10 | 127 |
Acquisition of patents | 9 | 9 |
“National Institute of Intellectual Property” Republican State Enterprise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO)
Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent)
International patent classification (IPC)
Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Rules of drawing up, registration and consideration of applications for security documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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