The competition “The best mechanic”, “The best auto garage driver”, “The best grain warehouse worker” has been announced

News / Main news
     Every year, on the eve of a professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural Workers, the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev honors workers. This year, the management and the trade union committee announced in advance the competition “The best mechanic”, “The best auto garage driver”, “The best grain warehouse worker”, in which all employees of the manufacturing sector will take part. The purpose of this event is to encourage the most active employees who have achieved high performance in the course of production work in 2023, material motivation, increased productivity and quality of work. A special prize fund has been determined by the decision of the Board.
     All these measures are made possible thanks to the well-coordinated work of the production sector of the LLP, which encourages its employees who successfully cope with the tasks set within the Development Plan of the LLP. 
     It is worth noting that more than 40 percent of industrial workers work here for a long time, having 15 or more years of experience behind them. Every year, the company provides all employees with hay, straw and waste at discounted prices, and during the sowing and harvesting campaigns, food for this category of workers is organized with a 75% discount, but this year the management of the Board decided to provide food at the expense of the company to all those involved in the harvesting of agricultural crops. More than 40 percent of employees had the opportunity to improve their health in the best sanatorium-resort hospitals of the country, using free vouchers provided by the social package.
     All these and other positive factors contribute to sustainable work and a healthy moral and psychological climate at the enterprise.
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