Сongratulations on the Republic Day!

Dear colleagues!

Please accept the warmest congratulations on the Republic Day!

May this significant holiday inspire bright hopes for good changes. Today the state provides all possible support to the development of agrarian science, the realization of scientific and technological program is being completed with effective indicators, new promising scientific projects are expected for the coming years. Scientists of our Center have always worthily kept the mark and continue to bring great efforts to the successful development of agro-industrial complex of the country. New promising varieties, development of agro-technologies acceptable for farmers - all this contributes to the close union of science and agribusiness.

May all our beginnings be effective and the future be bright! Health to all of you, creative inspiration, labor achievements and fruitful work for the benefit of peace and stability in our common home!

With best wishes,
Timur Vladimirovich Savin, Chairman of the Board of “SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev”
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