Dual education: education, science and production


Within the Agreement on the organization and implementation of dual education of students of KATRU named after S. Seifullin continue to come to our Center in order to get acquainted with scientific and production processes and to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained during the years of training.

Last week Nazarova Perizat Yerzhanatkyzy, researcher of the laboratory of agrochemistry and fertilizers, made a presentation to the students of the 4th year of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry: “Compliance with agrotechnical requirements in intensive farming, the impact on the preservation of soil fertility”.

Then they visited the laboratory of biochemistry and technological assessment of quality of agricultural crops, where Utebaev Maral Uralovich, leading researcher brought to the students the necessary information about how there is a full technological analysis to determine the quality of Commercial indicators according to state standards, alveographing and farinography, baking assessment and evaluation of commercial and technical properties of durum wheat pasta.

Then they were able to observe the process of studying the influence of different fertilizer systems on qualitative, technological characteristics and amino acid composition of plants and grain with the establishment of nutritional value of crop products to substantiate the differentiated use of mineral fertilizers in the system of soil-resource-saving farming.скачать dle 12.0
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