Employees of the Analytical Center get in contact with representatives of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

Representatives of Thermo Fisher Scientific aimed to visit our Analytical Center to introduce employees to the company's solutions for genotyping complex genomes. Being a leading manufacturer of laboratory equipment and consumables for diagnostics and scientific research in various fields of industry, with its products it helps in solving various complex analytical tasks and increases the productivity of the laboratory.
Representatives of the company Pyotr Orlitsky and Olgerd Ulyanov met with scientists –breeders of the Center and also researchers of the Laboratory of biochemistry and technological assessment of the quality of agricultural crops and shared the necessary information about their products. In turn, our scientists had the opportunity to exchange opinions on the importance of using one or another analytical equipment to obtain reliable results.
The Analytical Center pays great attention to updating laboratory equipment, which allows conducting research at the highest level, taking into account scientific and commercial interests in a wide range of research, both scientific and commercial.
Specialists of the center conduct research on quality control of agricultural products in the process of creating new varieties and technologies, on improving methods of grain quality assessment, selection of high-quality source material for breeding.
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