For the first time in extreme soil and climatic conditions of the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan in “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP carries out breeding of grain and fodder sorghum


The main directions of the development of feed production in Northern Kazakhstan are: expansion of acreage under forage crops, increasing the energy and protein nutritional value of feed, an effective and rational combination of man–made and biological factors that ensure resource and energy conservation.
Annual forage crops are a stabilizing factor in feed production. Crops that allow to stabilize feed production in years with different meteorological conditions are annual forage crops - millet, sudan grass, sorghum, sorghum-Sudanese hybrid. Being drought-resistant and effectively using the precipitation of the second half of summer, they provide high collections of herbage suitable for hay, haylage, and livestock feeding.
For the first time in the extreme soil and climatic conditions of the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan, “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP carries out breeding - the creation of new highly productive and adapted to environmental stress factors varieties and hybrids of grain and fodder sorghum using cultivars, lines of foreign and domestic breeding.
Sorghum is an ancient and widespread culture, it received its name for its tallness, from the Latin word Sorghum, which means to rise. Adapts easily to different soils.
Sorghum is a heat- and drought-resistant crop that looks like corn, capable of economically consuming moisture and in harsh soil and climatic conditions of the dry steppe is able to increase a significant feed mass and provide good grain yields, therefore this crop was included in the study in the north of Kazakhstan as very profitable and promising for cultivation in harsh agricultural conditions in Kazakhstan.
Sorghum has a great ecological and geographical diversity.
Within the framework of the target financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the BR10765056 Program: “Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan” under the activity “Breeding of highly productive varieties adapted to environmental stress factors, hybrids of grain and fodder sorghum” was carried out sorghum breeding.
In the nurseries of the sorghum breeding process, breeding material of various ecological and geographical origin was studied: grain sorghum, sugar sorghum (forage).
Sorghum breeding nurseries in “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP
The parameters of the breeding model of a promising variety of sugar sorghum for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan were developed.
The ripeness group is early–ripening 100-110 days before the wax ripeness of the seeds and medium-ripe 110-120 days. The plants are tall (240-260 cm), well-leafed. The bushiness is average. The stem is quite thick, juicy and high in sugars. The sugar content in the stem is 17-20%. They differ from the zoned varieties in high grain productivity, which increases the feed value of the herbage and silage. It is characterized by intensive growth and simultaneous maturation. It has high drought resistance, tolerance to red bacterial spotting and smut. It is resistant to lodging.
In 2023, the first early-ripening variety of sugar sorghum was transferred to the SVT.
Breeding nursery of forage sorghum (on boghar) in Akmola region, August 2023
Filippova N.I., PhD in Agricultural Sciences,
Head of the Department of perennial grasses breeding of
“SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP
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