The scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev have developed recommendations for Akmola farmers on the specifics of conducting SFW


  The practical recommendations of the scientists of the SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev for carrying out spring field works in the farms of Akmola region in 2024 present the features of weather conditions and possible scenarios for field technological work. Measures to improve the structure of used arable land in the soil and climatic zones of the country, crop diversification, conservation and effective use of moisture, soil protection from erosion, preparation of seed material for sowing, elements of agricultural technology (methods, timing and norms of sowing), the use of mineral fertilizers, plant protection products for the cultivation of cereals, legumes, grain fodder, cereals, oilseeds, annual and perennial forage grasses. The features of the application of elements of the precision farming system during spring field work are considered. Varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops of domestic breeding are presented.

  Practical recommendations are aimed at managers, specialists, farmers and machine operators of agricultural enterprises of Akmola region. They are posted on the official website of the Center:

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